NSW Government enabled

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Mecklemore joined the Advanced Registration Supplier List of the NSW Government ICT Services Scheme today enabling mecklemore to supply high risk contracts or contracts valued over $150,000 to NSW Government agencies.

The ICT Services Scheme is the new model for delivering ICT services to NSW Government. The new arrangements ensure that NSW Government agencies can find and procure the goods and services that best meet their needs, and make it easier for industry to do business with government.

"The acceptance into the scheme is an important milestone towards building a business that enables insights across industries, private and public sectors and a magnificent recognition of our experience in the corporate performance management and data analytics domain." Christoph Mecker, director of mecklemore, said.

If you are a NSW Government agency and seek meaningful insights into all aspects of business performance, please start the dialogue now by using the form below.

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